
How I Stopped Being Stubborn & Started Loving Pears

By Miranda

Recently I was craving one of my old favorite snacks: apple slices with peanut butter. I got sad about it for a little while, wishing I could just cheat on my diet without painful consequences, but I flare up easily from both apples and peanut butter, so I decided against it. A few days later it hit me; pears and almond butter would be a great substitution!

When I was first diagnosed with IC I couldn't believe that one of the only fruits left in my life would be pears. I literally hadn't consumed a pear in over 20 years at that point. I lived off apples, but I was completely unimpressed by pears for pretty much my whole life until about 3 years ago.

It took a little while for me to stop being stubborn and start loving pears, but luckily I gave in eventually. Now I eat (and enjoy) one almost everyday.

As it turns out, pear slices with almond butter make a great snack. Want to know a secret though? Pear slices with caramel dip make an even better one!

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